The state examinations in Polish as a foreign language

Certification exams in Polish
The state examinations in Polish as a foreign language

The state examinations in Polish as a foreign language are intended to assess the language competence of the individual being examined. They verify the ability to understand contemporary written and spoken Polish, as well as the ability to use in speech and writing.

Exam levels

Currently examinations are conducted at three levels of language proficiency:

  • B1 - basic
  • B2 - general intermediate
  • C2 - advanced

The exam includes an evaluation of the following skills:

  • Listening
  • Grammatical correctness
  • Understanding written texts
  • Writing
  • Speaking

More information about the exams can be found at:

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Szkoła języka polskiego oczami Władysław Świadek
Władysław Świadek

Doskonałe przygotowanie metodyczne owocuje szybkim wzrostem poziomu znajomości języka a odpowiedni dobór materiałów szkoleniowych oraz tempo i urozmaicenie zajęć pozwalają na szybki postęp w rozwijaniu zdolności komunikacyjnych uczestników szkoleń.


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